Provide your Houses in all Countries

You build, We sell - Easy!
Display your houses
Offer Tiny land to your customers
Get access to the biggest Tiny House market
AirBnB meets Real Estate
What are the biggest Plus Points?
We are the first company in Europe to provide a database for Tiny Houses, Modular Houses, Wooden Houses and
other customized wooden houses. We combine this with land and have created our own new service called
Tiny Project
Are you struggling to capture qualified leads? We follow up on marketing leads to drive you only sales-qualified leads.
We find the perfect piece of land to pair with the ideal tiny house, creating the ideal living solution for the customer.
We work closely with the agent to organize the documents and obtain the necessary licenses.
Get access to the biggest tiny house market to display your houses.
We offer special discounts on qualified 3D content to display your houses.
Type of Members
Get Leads from us
You can put in customers for Land and we organise it
Du erhältst Provision auf das Land (Gewinn)
You have access to all Land on a neutral site for your customers
You can build you own Projects with customers
No lead costs
Pro Supplier
Standard Supplier
Only listing
Free Supplier
You give us a commission for successful house sales
4,5 %
0 € / lead
5,99 € / lead
No leads
0 %
2,5 %
0 %
5 %
10 %
No Contacts
3 Calls
+ 2 WhatsApp
+ 2 Mails
Contacts to Customer
1 Call
+ 1 WhatsApp
+ 1 Mail
Follow-Up with Customers
11,99 € / Follow-Up
No Follow-Ups
No Follow-Ups
5,99 € per lead + 2,5 % of profit for successful house sale
No cost per lead + Follow-Ups + 4,5 % of profit for successful house sale
No costs, only listing
Special discount on 3D contents for the web
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Do you spend too much time with lead's indecisions?
Show them what your options are.
With 360° interior images allow users to visualize their dream tiny house as
if they were inside it and share it in one click.
Save time and money while providing instant clarity for your customers.
It is available anytime, anywhere.
Revolutionize your sales process.
What you get from us
Displaying in all countries.
Put in your own houses.
High quality house-leads with budget.
Buy leads with a follow up meeting.
10 interested customers with possible follow up meeting
Make your offers directly for free.
You join to project groups (people search the same type of house).
1 year free
Access to your 3D Configurator
How does it work?
Make registration
Provide content about your houses
Get displayed on our platform
and start receiving leads
Willkommen bei Homes-Tiny.com
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